Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walter
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walter


Google Scholar profile

ResearcherID: A-5418-2012

ORCID iD 0000-0002-0804-5647



Walter, Stefanie, Ari Ray, and Nils Redeker (2020). The Politics of Bad Options. Why the Eurozone's problem have been so hard to resolve. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

More info on publisher's website

ebook (open access)

Data and replication material


Walter, Stefanie (2013). Financial Crises and the Politics of Macroeconomic Adjustments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Table of Contents

Reviews: Tom Pepinsky (SPSR), Wyn Grant (Perspectives of Politics)

Bernauer, Thomas, Detlef Jahn, Patrick Kuhn, und Stefanie Walter (2009). Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (2. überarbeitete Auflage 2012, 3.  Auflage 2015, 4. Auflage 2018, 5. überarbeitete Auflage 2022 (mit Sylvia Kritzinger))

Online Material


Edited Volumes and Special Issues


Schirm, Stefan, Andreas Busch, Susanne Lütz, Stefanie Walter, Hubert Zimmermann (2022). De-Globalisierung. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos


Pepinsky, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2019). Debate Section: Understanding Contemporary Challenges to the Global Order. Journal of European Public Policy.


Copelovitch, Mark, Jeffry Frieden, and Stefanie Walter (2016). Special Issue on "The Political Economy of the Euro Crisis". Comparative Political Studies 49(7).


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles


Walter, Stefanie and Nicole Plotke-Scherly (forthcoming). Responding to unilateral challenges to international institutions. International Studies Quarterly.


Hunter, Tom, and Stefanie Walter (2025). International organizations in national parliamentary debates. The Review of International Organizations (2025): 1-27.

Link to dataset


Malet, Giorgio and Walter, Stefanie (2024). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics, 25 (1), 63-85


Malet, Giorgio and Walter, Stefanie (2024). Have your cake and eat it, too? Switzerland and the feasibility of differentiated integration after Brexit. West European Politics, 47 (5): 1150-1179.

Replication material


Martini, Marco and Stefanie Walter (2023). Learning from Precedent: How the British Brexit experience counteracts populism outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy, 31 (5): 1231-1258

Replication material


Menéndez González, Irene, Erica Owen, and Stefanie Walter (2023). Low-skill products by high-skill workers, The distributive effects of trade in emerging and developing countries. Comparative Political Studies 56 (11): 1724-1759.


Jurado, Ignacio, Sandra Léon, and Stefanie Walter (2022). Shaping post-withdrawal relations with a leaving state: Brexit dilemmas and public opinion. International Organization 76(2): 273-304.


Lauener, Lukas, Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2022). Torn between international cooperation and national sovereignty: Voter attitudes in trade-off situations in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review 28 (2), 277-295.


Walter, Stefanie (2021). The Backlash against Globalization. Annual Review of Political Science. 24: 421-42

Replication material


Walter, Stefanie (2021). Brexit Domino? The political contagion effects of voter-endorsed withdrawals from international institutions. Comparative Political Studies 54(13): 2382-2415

Replication material


de Vries, Catherine, Sara Hobolt, and Stefanie Walter (2021). Politicizing International Cooperation. The Mass Public, Political Entrepreneurs, and Political Opportunity Structures. International Organization 75(2): 306-32


Ahlquist, John, Mark Copelovitch, and Stefanie Walter (2020). The Political Consequences of External Economic Shocks. Evidence from Poland. American Journal of Political Science 64(4): 904-920.

Replication data


Walter, Stefanie (2020). EU-27 Public Opinion on Brexit. Journal of Common Market Studies.

Replication material


Palmtag, Tabea, Tobias Rommel, and Stefanie Walter (2020). International Trade and Public Protest: Evidence from Russian Regions. International Studies Quarterly 64(4): 939-55.


Jurado, Ignacio, Stefanie Walter, Nikitas Konstantinidis, and Elias Dinas (2020). Keeping the Euro at any cost? Explaining attitudes toward the euro-austerity trade-off in Greece. European Union Politics. 21(3): 383-405


Redeker, Nils and Stefanie Walter (2020). We'd rather pay than change. The Politics of German Non-Adjustment in the Eurozone Crisis. Review of International Organizations 15(3): 573-99



Grynberg, Charlotte, Stefanie Walter, and Fabio Wasserfallen (2020). Expectations, vote choice, and opinion stability since the 2016 Brexit referendum. European Union Politics 21(2): 255-75.

Replication material


Pepinsky, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2019). Introduction to the Debate Section: Understanding Contemporary Challenges to the Global Order. Journal of European Public Policy 27(7): 1074-76.


Copelovitch, Mark, Sara Hobolt, and Stefanie Walter (2019). Challenges to the contemporary global order. Cause for pessimism or optimism? Journal of European Public Policy 27(7): 1114-1125


Frieden, Jeffry and Stefanie Walter (2019). Analyzing Inter-State Negotiations in the Eurozone Crisis and Beyond. European Union Politics 20(1):134-51.


Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2018). National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade-Off Situations. Swiss Political Science Review 24(4): 400-422. PDF


Walter, Stefanie, Elias Dinas, Ignacio Jurado, and Nikitas Konstantinidis (2018). Non-cooperation by popular vote: Expectations, foreign intervention, and the vote in the 2015 Greek bailout referendum. International Organization 72(4) 969-94.


Rommel, Tobias and Stefanie Walter (2018). The Electoral Consequences of Offshoring. How the Globalization of Production Shapes Party Preferences in Multi-Party Systems. Comparative Political Studies 51(5): 621– 658.

Online Appendix and Replication Package


Philipp Trein, Ruth Beckmann, and Stefanie Walter (2017). German voters in times of crisis: The impact of perceptions and economic context on electoral behavior. German Politics 26(3): 414-439.


Jeffry Frieden and Stefanie Walter (2017). Understanding the Political Economy of the Eurozone Crisis. Annual Review of Political Science 20(1): 371-390.


Owen, Erica and Stefanie Walter (2017). Open Economy Politics and Brexit. Insights, Puzzles, and Ways Forward. Review of International Political Economy 24(2): 179-202


Walter, Stefanie (2017). Globalization and the Demand-Side of Politics. How globalization shapes labor-market risk perceptions and policy preferences. Political Science Research and Methods. 5(1): 55-80.

Replication Package


Copelovitch, Mark, Jeffry Frieden, and Stefanie Walter (2016). The Political Economy of the Euro Crisis. Comparative Political Studies 49(7): 811-40.


Walter, Stefanie (2016).  Crisis politics in Europe: Why austerity is easier to implement in some countries than in others. Comparative Political Studies  49(7): 841-73.

Replication Package    Online Appendix


Goerres, Achim and Stefanie Walter (2016). The Political Consequences of National Crisis Management. Micro-Level evidence from German Voters during the 2008/9 Global Economic Crisis. German Politics. 25(1): 131-53


Walter, Stefanie (2015). Austerität oder Abwertung. Warum Staaten unterschiedlich auf Zahlungsbilanzkrisen reagieren. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56(2): 211-39.


Leuffen, Dirk, Susumu Shikano, and Stefanie Walter (2013). Measurement and Data Aggregation in Small-N Social Scientific Research. European Political Science. 12, 40–51.


Chiu, Eric, Sirathorn Dechsakulthorn, Stefanie Walter, Joshua Walton, and Thomas Willett (2012). The Discipline Effects of Fixed Exchange Rates: The Distinction Between Hard and Soft Pegs. Global Economic Review 41(1): 1-31.


Walter, Stefanie and Thomas D. Willett (2012). Delaying the Inevitable. A Political Economy Approach to Currency Defenses and Depreciation. Review of International Political Economy 19(1): 114-39.

Sattler, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2010). Monetary Credibilty vs. Voter Approval: Political Institutions and Exchange-Rate Stabilization during Crises. Economics & Politics 22(3): 392-418


Walter, Stefanie (2010). Globalization and the Welfare State. Testing the Microfoundations of the Compensation Hypothesis. International Studies Quarterly 54(2): 403-26.

Replication Material


Axel Dreher and Stefanie Walter (2010). Does the IMF Help or Hurt? The Effect of IMF programs on the likelihood and outcome of currency crises. World Development 38(1): 1-18.

Sattler, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2009). Globalization and Government Short-term Room to Maneuver in Economic Policy. An Empirical Analysis of Reactions to Currency Crises. World Political Science Review 5(1), article 16.   


Walter, Stefanie (2009). The Limits and Rewards of Political Opportunism. How Electoral Timing Affects the Outcome of Currency Crises. European Journal of Political Research 48(3): 367-96.

Sattler, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2008). Wirtschaftspolitischer Handlungsspielraum im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Währungskrisen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49(3): 464-90.


Walter, Stefanie (2008). A New Approach for Determining Exchange-Rate Level Preferences. International Organization 62(3): 405-38.

Book Chapters



Copelovitch, Mark, and Stefanie Walter (2024): European Open Economy Politics. In: Quaglia, Lucia, Manuela Moschella, and Aneta Spendzharova (eds):. European Political Economy: Theoretical Approaches and Policy Issues. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 25-47.


Copelovitch, Mark, and Stefanie Walter (2023). "International political economy and the European Union." In: Samuel Faure and Christian Lequesne: The Elgar Companion to the European Union. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing: 108-121.


Walter, Stefanie (2022). Globalisierungsskepsis als herausforderung für internationale Institutionen. in: Schirm, Stefan, Andreas Busch, Susanne Lütz, Stefanie Walter, Hubert Zimmermann (2022). De-Globalisierung. Forschungsstand und Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos


Bernauer, Thomas und Stefanie Walter (2022). Die Schweiz im europäischen und globalen Kontext. In: Papadopoulos, Yannis, Sciarini, Pascal, Vatter, Adrian, Häusermann, Silja, Emmenegger, Patrick, Fossati, Flavia: Handbuch der Schwizer Politik, Zürich: NZZ Libro. 37-59


Dancygier, Rafaela and Stefanie Walter (2015). 'Globalization, Labor Market Risks, and Class Cleavages'. In: Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Hebert Kitschelt and Hanspeter Kriese (eds). The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 133-56.


Walter, Stefanie (2014). 'Private actor preferences about exchange-rate policy’ in: Thomas Oatley and William Winecoff (eds).Handbook of the International Political Economy of Monetary Relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Willett, Thomas, Eric Chiu, and Stefanie Walter (2014). 'Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes and Financial Markets as Sources of Macroeconomic Discipline’ in: Thomas Oatley and William Winecoff (eds).Handbook of the International Political Economy of Monetary Relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bernauer, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2014). ‘Die Schweiz im globalen Kontext’ in: Peter Knoepfel, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter, and Silja Häusermann (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik 5. überarbeitete Auflage. Zurich: NZZ-Verlag: 29-48.


Walter, Stefanie (2013).  ‚Verteilungskonflikte in der Eurokrise und die politische Handlungsfähigkeit von Demokratien.’  in: Die Versprechen der Demokratie, In:Hubertus Buchstein (Hrsg.).  Baden-Baden: Nomos.  77-88.

Walter, Stefanie (2013). ‚The Fiscal Policy Implications of Balance of Payments Imbalances,’ in  Anheier, Helmut and Regina List  (eds.) Governance Challenges and Innovations: Financial and Fiscal Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 89-114.

Clark, William Roberts, Mark Copelovitch, Mark Hallerberg, Lucia Quaglia, and Stefanie Walter (2013). ‚Challenge in Focus: Financial and Fiscal Governance,’ in Anheier, Helmut, Mark Hallerberg, Inge Kaul and Mark Kayser (eds.) The Hertie School Governance Report 2012, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Walter, Stefanie (2013). ‚Internationale Politische Ökonomie,’ in  Schmidt, Manfred, Frieder Wolf and Stefan Wurster (eds.) Studienbuch Politikwissenschaft, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: 549-73.


Steinberg, David and Stefanie Walter (2013). 'The Political Economy of Exchange Rates.’ in: Caprio, Gerard (ed.) Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stbility: Political, Social, Cultural, and Economic Theories and Models, Vol. 2. Elsevier: 27-36.


Beckmann, Ruth, Philipp Trein, and Stefanie Walter (2011). 'Dominanz der Ökonomie: Entscheidet die Wirtschaftslage Wahlen?' in: Evelyn Bytzek and Sigrid Roßteutscher (eds.) Der deutsche Wähler. Demaskierung einer Mythos. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: 229-50.


Häusermann, Silja and Stefanie Walter (2010). ‘Restructuring Swiss Welfare Politics: Post-industrial Labor Markets, Globalization, and Welfare Values' in: Simon Hug and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) Value Change in Switzerland. Lanham: Lexington Press: 143-68.


Chiu, Eric, Stefanie Walter, Joshua Walton, and Thomas D. Willett (2008). 'Currency Crisis’ in Ramishken S. Rajan and Kenneth A. Reinert (eds.) Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


Bernauer, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2007). ‘Switzerland in a Global Context’ in Ulrich Klöti, Peter Knoepfel, Hanspeter Kriesi, Wolf Linder and Yannis Papadopoulos (eds.) Handbook of Swiss Politics. Zurich: NZZ-Verlag: 57-73 [English translation of the German chapter].


Bernauer, Thomas and Stefanie Walter (2006). ‘Die Schweiz im globalen Kontext’ in Ulrich Klöti, Peter Knoepfel, Hanspeter Kriesi, Wolf Linder and Yannis Papadopoulos (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Zurich: NZZ-Verlag: 59-75.

Book Reviews

Walter, Stefanie (2021). Book review of «Switzerland‐EU Relations. Lessons for the UK after Brexit?» Paolo Dardanelli and Oscar Mazzoleni (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021).  Swiss Political Science Review 27(3): 682-685.


Walter, Stefanie (2015). 'Book review of Grant, Wyn and Graham K. Wilson (2012). The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis. The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press'. Perspectives on Politics.


Walter, Stefanie (2007). ‘Book review of Hall, Michael. 2005. Exchange Rate Crises in Developing Countries: The Political Role of the Banking Sector. Burlington VA: Ashgate.’ Swiss Political Science Review 13(1), 146-50.


Other Publications


Walter, Stefanie (2020). The Mass Politics of International Disintegration. CIS Working Paper No. 105. Zurich: Center for Comparative and International Studies.


Walter, Stefanie (2017). Brexit viewed through continental eyes. Discover Society. Special issue edited by William Outhwaite.


Walter, Stefanie (2017). The Brexit referendum and the mass politics of disintegration. International History and Politics (IHAP) Newsletter 2(1).


Rommel, Tobias and Stefanie Walter (2016). The Electoral Consequences of Offshoring. CAGE Working Paper No.286.


Walter, Stefanie (2015). The Distributive Politics of the Eurozone Crisis. The Political Economist XI(2): 7-8


Walter, Stefanie (2015). 'Ist es richtig, den Euro zu retten?' UZH Journal 45(1): 14


Walter, Stefanie (2013). The Politics of Macroeconomic Adjustment in the Global Economic Crisis. APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter 23(II): 11-12.


Walter, Stefanie (2013). 'Wie Regierungen auf Krisen reagieren. Lehren aus vergangenen Krisen für die Eurokrise' Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften für 2012: 103-6.


Walter, Stefanie (2012). ‚Studiengebühren,’ in: Lehre als Abenteuer. Anregungen für eine bessere Hochschulausbildung, herausgegeben von Klatt, Matthias und Sabine Koller. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag: 209-10.


Baumbach, Sybille, Klaus Oschema, and Stefanie Walter (2012). 'Exzellente Perspektiven? Auswirkungen der Exzellenzinitiative.' Forschung & Lehre 19(1): 20-21.


Walter, Stefanie and Linda Maduz (2009). 'How globalization shapes individual risk perceptions and policy preferences. A cross-national analysis of differences between globalization winners and losers.' WCFIA Working Paper 09-0015. Cambridge: Harvard University.


Dreher, Axel and Stefanie Walter (2008). ‘Does the IMF Help or Hurt? The Effect of IMF programs on the likelihood and outcome of currency crises.KOF Working Paper 186/2008. Zürich: ETH Zürich.


Walter, Stefanie (2007). Explaining Policy Responses to Speculative Attacks. The Political Economy of Currency Crises. Dissertation No. 17085. Zürich: ETH Zürich. Dissertation Summary


Walter, Stefanie (2006). ‘Speculative Currency Attacks Before and After Elections: Theory and Evidence’. CIS Working Paper 19/2006. Zürich: ETH und Universität Zürich.

Blog Posts


Decadri, Silvia, Giorgio Malet, Marco Martini and Stefanie Walter (2020). Schlechtere Chancen für die Begrenzungsinitiative wegen der Corona-Krise. De facto Blog. 6 July 2020.


Walter, Stefanie (2019). Wie das Volk zum Rahmenabkommen steht. De facto Blog, 8 June 2019.


Walter, Stefanie (2019). EU-27 Public Opinion on Brexit. Working paper. Zurich: University of Zurich


Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit and Public Opinion: the EU-27. The UK in a changing Europe blog, 1 February 2019.


Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2019). Nationale Souveränität oder wirtschaftliche Integration? Nur für Bürgerliche eine schwierige Entscheidung. De facto Blog, 9 January 2019.


Stefanie Walter (2018). This is why the EU is being so tough on Brexit. The Monkey Cage Blog. 9 October 2018


Pepinsky, Tom and Stefanie Walter (2017). Challenges to the Contemporary World Order. Duck of Minerva Blog. 13 December 2017


Walter, Stefanie (2017). Survey Evidence: Europeans Support the EU’s Hard Line in the Brexit Negotiations. LSE EUROPP Blog. 24 October 2017.


Walter, Stefanie (2016). Why austerity is easier to implement in some countries than others – and why this was not the case for Greece. LSE EUROPP Blog, 17 October 2016


Copelovitch, Mark, Jeffry Frieden, and Stefanie Walter (2016). Four lessons from the Eurozone crisis – and why the future of the euro remains uncertain. LSE EUROPP Blog, 7 October 2016


Copelovitch, Mark, Jeffry Frieden, and Stefanie Walter (2016). Was man über die Eurokrise wissen muss. blog, 14 June 2016.


Walter, Stefanie (2016). Here's why it's so hard to pull Greece out of its economic crisis. The Monkey Cage Blog, 20 April 2016.


Walter, Stefanie (2016). Mitten durch die Gesellschaft. DeFacto Expert Blog Entry, 4 April 2016.


Copelovitch, Mark, Jeffry Frieden, and Stefanie Walter (2016). The euro zone is in crisis. Here are the four most important lessons to take away. The Monkey Cage Blog, 31 March 2016.


Dinas, Elias, Nikitas Konstantinidis, Ignacio Jurado, and Stefanie Walter (2015). "Tsipras reaps benefits of brinkmanship politics." Peripheral Vision Blog


Walter, Stefanie. 2015. "What were the Greeks Thinking? Here's a Poll Taken just before the Referendum." The Monkey Cage Blog.


Jurado, Ignacio, Nikitas Konstantinidis, and Stefanie Walter. 2015. "Why Greeks voted the way they did in the bailout referendum." LSE European Politics and Policy Blog: LSE.


Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walter

Institute for Political Science

University of Zurich

Affolternstr. 56

8050 Zurich



+41 44 634 5832

walter -at-

Twitter: @stefwalter__

Lehrstuhl homepage


I am organizing two workshops in the coming months: 

Workshop on "The changing boundaries of European integration" (with Frank Schimmelfennig) March 9-12, 2025 at Monte Verità

Call for Papers


Workshop on “How Domestic and International Actors Respond to Non-Cooperation” (with Lisa Dellmuth, December 12-13, 2024 at Landgasthof Au, Lake Zurich.
Call for papers 


I am now on bluesky:


Website for my ERC project on "The Mass Politics of Disintegration" (DISINTEGRATION):

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© Stefanie Walter